Assessing the Effectiveness of Wearable Health Devices in Promoting Lifestyle Changes

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Balaram Yadav Kasula


This research paper aims to assess the effectiveness of wearable health devices in promoting lifestyle changes among individuals. As the prevalence of these devices continues to rise, understanding their impact on user behavior and overall health outcomes becomes imperative. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative analysis of user data from wearable devices with qualitative insights through interviews and surveys.

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How to Cite
Kasula, B. Y. (2022). Assessing the Effectiveness of Wearable Health Devices in Promoting Lifestyle Changes. International Meridian Journal, 4(4), 1-7.

How to Cite

Kasula, B. Y. (2022). Assessing the Effectiveness of Wearable Health Devices in Promoting Lifestyle Changes. International Meridian Journal, 4(4), 1-7.


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