Chronobiology and Human Health: A Comparative Study across Time Zone

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Ram Kumar


This comparative study delves into the intricate relationship between chronobiology and human health across different time zones. The investigation spans across extensive literature, focusing on 10 key references published in 2019. These references illuminate the varying impacts of circadian rhythms and diurnal variations on physiological processes, sleep patterns, and overall well-being. We scrutinize the relevance of geographical location and time zone shifts, examining how they influence the synchronization of internal biological clocks and the manifestation of health disparities. By synthesizing findings from diverse sources, this research paves the way for a deeper understanding of how time zone differences affect human health and offers insights into potential strategies for optimizing chronobiological well-being.


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Chronobiology and Human Health: A Comparative Study across Time Zone. (2019). International Meridian Journal, 1(1).

How to Cite

Chronobiology and Human Health: A Comparative Study across Time Zone. (2019). International Meridian Journal, 1(1).


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