Architecting the Future: Scalable Data Infrastructures for Managing and Analyzing IoT Data at Scale

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Harsh Yadav


As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues its exponential growth, the need for robust and scalable data architectures becomes paramount. This research paper explores large-scale data architectures designed to handle the deluge of IoT data effectively. We delve into the intricacies of architecting infrastructures capable of managing, processing, and analyzing vast amounts of sensor-generated data. Theoretical foundations, real-world implementations, and challenges associated with these architectures are scrutinized. Our findings contribute to the evolving discourse on scalable data solutions, offering insights crucial for organizations navigating the complexities of the IoT landscape.

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How to Cite
Yadav, H. (2024). Architecting the Future: Scalable Data Infrastructures for Managing and Analyzing IoT Data at Scale. International Meridian Journal, 6(6), 1-14.

How to Cite

Yadav, H. (2024). Architecting the Future: Scalable Data Infrastructures for Managing and Analyzing IoT Data at Scale. International Meridian Journal, 6(6), 1-14.


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