A Systematic Literature Review: The Recent Advancements in AI Emerging Technologies and Agile DevOps
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This systematic literature review investigates the advancements in AI emerging technologies and Agile DevOps practices throughout 2020. It extracted the data from five hundred articles to analyze 500 articles from leading journals and conference proceedings for this study, highlighting their significant developments in both fields. In AI, the focus was on the evolution of machine learning besides deep learning algorithms and their progress in natural language processing and AI-driven IoT applications. Concurrently, Agile DevOps practices saw increased adoption and adaptation, which is the need for remote work solutions and enhanced software development processes. The convergence of AI and Agile DevOps methodologies is evident and reflects a trend towards integrated and adaptive systems capable of addressing the demands of a rapidly evolving digital landscape. This review underscores the transformative impact of these technologies on various industries and suggests avenues for future research to explore their intersection and implications for continued innovation. Investigating these combined methodologies on organizational performance and project outcomes will provide valuable insights. Examining their challenges and best practices for implementing AI-driven Agile DevOps solutions in different industry contexts could guide future innovations.
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